Agroforestry Demonstration Farm in Tanzania, Boma Ng’ombe

About the Project

Project Description:

As a result of climate change, continuous water supply for the people of Tanzania will become increasingly difficult in the coming years. Already now, rainy seasons are cancelled or severely shortened. Especially in the region around Boma Ng'ombe at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in eastern Tanzania, these effects have already intensified in recent years. There is hardly any tree cover in the region, as the trees here were felled for firewood in earlier times. This leads to soil erosion, lower water storage capacity of the soil and loss of habitat for insects and birds. A second problem is that due to crop failures and the current world situation, food prices have risen sharply. Tanzania is an agricultural country. There are many farmers and most families own small plots of land on which they grow food for self-sufficiency, often without irrigation facilities. The success of the harvest depends on the timely arrival of the rainy season. Many families now have problems providing themselves and their children with sufficient and healthy food.  

Project Goal:

The aim of this project is to improve the situation of farmers and to stabilise crop yields, thus achieving food security. In addition, the project focuses on the resource-conserving use of the environment. To this end, a holistic approach based on agroforestry (AFS agroforestry system) is to be used.

The following steps are planned:

  1. Initially, an area of 10 ha is to be established as an AFS area. By combining shrubs, trees and agricultural crops, soil moisture is to be increased and water consumption reduced. Soil moisture is monitored to document the success of the measures.
  2. With the help of farmer workshops and practical training opportunities, the remaining area will be converted into an AFS system.
  3. Establishment of a tree nursery for the long-term maintenance of the area and to support further AFS projects in the region.
Optional: Construct a seminar room on the Farm-Areal

Sustainable Development Goals:


You want to donate for this project?

  • Technik ohne Grenzen e.V.
  • IBAN: DE28300606010137583290
  • Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG
  • Use: TZA_22
  • or via



Project number


Project Leader

Christine Dillmann

Regional Groups

  • Rhein-Main

Project members

Detlef Glitsch
Franziska Enzmann

Project Category



August 2023 - now

Project stage



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