Equipment for IT Classes in Sunyani, Ghana

About the Project

Project objectives

This project is part of a series of TCB projects in Ghana. The long-term goal of these projects is to give students the opportunity to learn how to use computers in their schools. At many schools in Ghana and other countries, this is not possible because the schools are not suitably equipped. So we have set ourselves the goal of equipping schools with laptops and training teachers so that they can teach their students on the laptops.


Sunyani is a city with about 74,000 inhabitants in central Ghana. The SDA Senior High School there has a classroom for IT lessons. However, there is only a laptop with a presentation screen for the teacher. There is no opportunity for the pupils to apply what they have learned theoretically in practice and to become active on a computer themselves. Many teachers have the basics of operating standard applications. In the small town of Agona Abodom in southern Ghana, TCB has already carried out several projects. In two schools (Methodist and Catholic School), classrooms were equipped with laptops and furniture and the teachers were trained.


To prepare for the project, laptop donations will first be collected at the University of Erlangen. The laptops collected in this way are prepared for use in the project by the TCB working group by securely deleting all existing data and installing a new operating system. The laptops will be sent to Sunyani in advance in two packages. In addition, workshops are being prepared for the teachers in Sunyani, which teach either basic or advanced knowledge in the use of computers. In August 2024, a project team with two volunteers from the Erlangen regional group will travel to Ghana. In Sunyani, the laptops delivered in advance are put into operation and the workshops are held. This work is carried out in close cooperation with TeoG volunteers from Ghana. Afterwards, the results of the past projects will be examined in Agona Abodom. As far as necessary and possible, defective laptops are repaired. The project will last a total of 3 weeks.

Project number


Project Leader

Tabea Stengl

Regional Groups

  • Erlangen

Project members

Tabea Stengl
Maximilian Martin
Ina Reichmann

Project Category



February 2024 - now

Project stage



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