Terra Preta-Research in Uganda

About the Project

Terra Preta is an anthropogenic modified soil type with a high capacity for water and nutrient retention. For this reason the plants growing on Terra Preta soils have a higher productivity. In comparison to mineral fertilizers the effect of Terra Preta lasts for a long time. The original Terra Preta soils that had been discovered were dated back to 500 to 700 years ago. There are also some places where the humus had been harvested and sold. After a certain time for the soils to rest there have been discovered a huge capacity of humus formation. We want to improve agriculture in developing countries in a sustainable way by introducing the concept of Terra Preta. By providing knowledge & skills we raise the awareness towards economical & ecological issues. Thereby we empower farmers to be part of their own success. So as there will be improved soils which have a better productivity for a long term and some of the Terra Preta, which will be produced can be sold there will be a motivation to continue the project. Also it is a new way to tackle agriculture in water scarce situations and malnutrition. The Terra Preta concept will be taught to the Trainees of the Gudie Leisure Farm. So the knowledge will be spread over time.



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April 2025 - now

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