- 1. Quartal 2025
- Project leader-Workshops, Uganda
- WASH at schools, Uganda
- Tree planting, Uganda
- Well regeneration, Ghana
- Water supply, Bolivia
- Waste disposal, Cameroon
- Short notice
- 1. Quarter 2024
- Improved Waste Management Bali
- Regeneration of Coral Reef, Bali
- Ecoboats from Plastic Bottles, Cameroon
- Construction of MARK 8 Incinerator, Germany
- Sustainability Workshops and Tree Planting, Kenya
- Well Regeneration, Ghana
- Waste Collection, Ghana
- Short notice
- 2. Quarter 2024
- Water Supply in Ngiya, Kenya
- Teaching Computer Basics, Kenya
- Sustainable Nursary School, Tanzania
- Irrigation for School Garden, Tanzania
- Microbusiness WWater Supply, Ghana
- New Regional Groups, Ghana
- Short notice
- 3. Quarter 2024
- Teaching Computer Basics, Ghana
- EcoPlastic Week, Ghana
- Cooperation with Malteser International, Uganda
- Well Regeneration, Ghana
- Teaching Computer Basics Revival, Ghana
- WASH Training, Ghana
- SWIFT App Introduction, Nepal
- Short Notice
- 4. Quarter 2024
- Finished Projects in Tanzania and Ghana
- New Projects in Bolivia, Ghana and Tanzania
- News Flash
- 1. Quarter 2023
- Water supply nursary school, Cameroon
- Water meter, Ghana
- Waste management, Bali
- Hospital Support, Nepal
- Short notice
- 2. Quarter 2023
- Trees for schools, Tanzania
- RecycleUp Water Sachets, Ghana
- Teaching Computer Basics, Ghana
- Short notice
- 3. Quarter 2023
- Recycle Up Water Sachets, Ghana
- Sustainable Nursery School, Tanzania
- PowerUp Battery Storage, Sierra Leone
- School Garden Irrigation, Tanzania
- Short notice
- 4. Quarter 2023
- RG Exchange Ghana and Uganda
- Foundation RG Somanya, Ghana
- Project leader workshop, Ghana
- Reports Ghana-tour of TwB board
- Short notice
- 1. Quarter 2022
- TCB, Cameroon
- Well regeneration, Cameroon
- Tree planting, Tanzania
- Container, Ghana
- Nursary School, Ghana
- Short notice
- 2. Quarter 2022
- Hospital Support, Ghana
- Agroforestry, Kenya
- Water supply, Kenya
- Children’s books, Kenya
- WWater supply, Uganda
- Short notice
- 3. Quarter 2022
- Project trip, Ghana
- Training water supply, Uganda
- Kindergarten, Ghana
- Hospital waste management, Simbabwe
- Preexploration, Sierra Leone
- Short notice
- 4. Quarter 2022
- Rainwater usage at student’s home, Tanzania
- Hospital waste disposal, Tanzania
- Introduction country coordination
- Water supply, Peru
- PEnergy- and watersupply for hospital, Tanzania
- Short notice
- 1st Quarter 2021
- Agroforestry, Brazil
- Water supply, Equador
- TeoG at HS Rottenburg
- Well drilling, Tanzania
- Short notice
- 2nd Quarter 2021
- Oxygen concentrators, India
- Workshop and learning path Agroforestry, Brasilien
- Preexploration Agroforestry-Projects, Ghana
- Carbonizing plant material
- Hospital waste incineration, Nepal
- Short notice
- 3rd Quarter 2021
- Biogasplants in developing countries
- Agroforestry, Brasilien
- Support kids with Albinism, Tanzania
- Exchange with Engineers without Borders
- Short notice
- 4th Quarter 2021
- Planting event in Schwarzenborn
- Water supply in Nzindong, Cameroon
- Hospital waste disposal in Mbouo, Cameroon
- Water supply in Peru
- WARP Conference in Ghana
- Short notice
- 1st Quarter 2020
- Water supply hospital, Tanzania
- Water supply Nzindong, Cameroon
- Incineration infectious waste, Nepal
- Short notice
- 2nd Quarter 2020
- Infra structure childrens home, Sri Lanka, Umsetzung
- Incineration infectious waste, Senegal
- Water management, Cambodia
- Report RG Sunyani, Ghana
- Short notice
- 3rd Quarter 2020
- Agroforestry, Brazil
- Introduction WG Teaching Computer Basics
- Introduction WG Waste
- Report RG Uganda
- Water supply hospital, Tanzania
- Water supply, Ecuador
- Short notice
- 4th Quarter 2020
- Sand Storage Dam, Eritrea
- Teaching computer Basics, Cameroon
- Planting Events, Germany
- Short notice
- 1st Quarter 2019
- Water filtration Ghana
- Water supply Chiro, Kambodscha
- TeoG Swift App in Nepal
- Dry toilets in Ghana
- Solar project Cap Haitien, Haiti
- Foundation RG Uganda
- Short notice
- 2nd Quarter 2019
- Annual meeting 2019
- Incinerator maintenance Senegal
- E-Waste Ghana
- Incinerator Thailand
- Waste management Bolde, Nepal
- Recycling logistics Ghana
- Postgraduate course sustainable development
- Short notice
- 3rd Quarter 2019
- Climate protection at TeoG and CO2 projects
- Hospital support, Ghana
- World Water Summit
- Well regeneration Ghana
- Teaching Computer Basics (TCB)
- RG Brazil visits Brasil ao Cubo
- Short notice
- 4th Quarter 2019
- Project leader course Uganda
- WASH Workshop Uganda
- News from Eritrea
- Short notice
- 1st Quarter 2018
- TeoG board visits universities and RGs in Ghana
- Travel report Ghana
- Water for Eritrea
- Preexploration of hospitals in Tansania
- Nurse station Ghana
- Queen of Belgium visits Recycle Up!
- Water supply Brong-Ahafo and Ashanti, Ghana
- Short notice
- 2nd Quarter 2018
- Annual meeting 2018
- Biogas plant and MakerSpace Brazil
- Generator maintenance Ghana
- Incinerator Nepal
- Short notice
- 3rd Quarter 2018
- Preexploration Gambia
- Cooperation with Wasser ohne Grenzen
- Short notice
- 4th Quarter 2018
- Micro-Photovoltaik Indonesia
- Teaching Computer Basics (TCB) Germany
- E-Waste MakerSpace Container Ghana
- Water supply Equador
- Sustainable agroforestry India
- Short notice
- 1st Quarter 2017
- Cooperation with TeoG Ghana
- Project leader course TeoG Ghana!
- Country Group Ghana to make significant impact in 2017
- Dry toilets in Moshi, Tansania
- Recycle Up! Ghana
- Short notice
- 2nd Quarter 2017
- Water supply in orphanage “Institute Notre Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse”
- Biogas in Indonesia
- Teaching Computer Basics (TCB) in Agona Abodom, Ghana
- Dry toilets in Tansania
- Every project has its time – The beginning of CDP in Ghana
- Invitation to 1000 Miles Run
- 3rd Quarter 2017
- Preexploration water projects Haiti
- Solar project Rabour, Kenya
- Water supply Chiro, Kambodia
- Water supply Eritrea
- Short notice
- 4th Quarter 2017
- Foundation TeoG Brazil
- Generator maintenance Ghana
- IT project Gapé, Togo
- Power supply Eikwe, Ghana
- Dry toilets Tansania
- Agroforestry Toranam, Indien
- Waste disposal Bent, Nepal
- Short notice
- 1. Quartal 2016
- Teaching Computer Basics in Lushoto – Tansania
- Stromversorgung an der Waisenschule Rabour in Kenia
- Recycle Up! Ghana Summer Camp 2015
- Dry Toilet Project for the Akumfi Ameyaw Senior Highschool
- Eine umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Assela, Äthiopien
- 2. Quartal 2016
- Brunnenregierung in Ghana, Brong-Ahafo Region
- Brunnenregierung in Ghana, Ashanti Region
- Maintenance Support in Krankenhäusern in Ghana
- Environmentally friendly disposal of biomedical waste in Tamghas, Nepal
- 3. Quartal 2016
- Recycle Up! Ghana – Accra
- Recycle Up! Ghana – Kumasi
- Recycle Up! Ghana – Cape Coast
- Water Sanitation and regeneration in 14 villages in Ghana
- Ein Müllverbrennungsofen für das Hopital Protestant de Bangoua, Kamerun
- Planung und Realisierung einer Photovoltaikanlage für eine Schule und ein Waisenhaus in Cap Haiten, Haiti
- 4. Quartal 2016
- Lokales Abfallmanagement in Fudong, Kamerun
- Wasserver- und -entsorgung des Waisenheim “Institute Notre-Dame de la Medaille Miraculeuse”
- Support in Krankenhäusern in Ghana
- Support der Krankenhäuser in Runanda, 2016
- Wasserversorgung und Abwasserbehandlung für die Klinik Zoara, Fotadrevo, Madagaskar
- 1. Quartal 2015
- Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Banjhakateri, Nepal
- Planung einer Wasserversorgung und –entsorgung in Madagaskar
- Hygienische Trockentoiletten für die Akumfi Ameyaw Senior High School in Akrofrom, Ghana
- Recycle Up! Ghana got new children – „Recycle Up! your school” and “Recycle Up! Students Club”
- Licht ins Lernen bringen – Photovoltaikprojekt der RG Amberg
- 2. Quartal 2015
- Wasserversorgung in Kato (Ghana) – Wasser als Basis für bessere Bildung
- Erkundung für Grundwasserstaudämme in Eritrea
- 3. Quartal 2015
- Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Nkoaranga (Tansania)
- Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Ndoungue (Kamerun)
- 4. Quartal 2015
- Umweltfreundliche Entsorgung biomedizinischer Abfälle und Maintenance Support im Krankenhaus von San Carlos, Nicaragua
- Vorerkundung für eine Schulküche in Axum, Äthiopien
- Gemeinsame erfolgreiche Reise von TeoG und GRVD durch Ghana
- Projektupdate – Wir sind zurück und es geht weiter! (Eritrea)
- Projektleiterworkshop und Nikolausmarkt, RG Rottenburg
- The Campus Dustbin Project (CDP)
- 1. Quartal 2014
- Analyse der Wasserversorgung in Akrofrom, Ghana
- TCB – Teaching Computer Basics in Nkanfoa, Ghana
- 2. Quartal 2014
- Wasserversorgung in Kato (Ghana) – Wasser als Basis für bessere Bildung
- Erkundung für Grundwasserstaudämme in Eritrea
- 3. Quartal 2014
- Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Nkoaranga (Tansania)
- Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Ndoungue (Kamerun)
- 4. Quartal 2014
- Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von biomedizinischen Abfällen in Nkoaranga (Tansania)
- Maintenance Support im Dhulikhel Hospital in Nepal
- Recycle Up! Ghana Summer Camp 2014
- Trockentoiletten-Projekt in Akrofrom (Ghana)
- 1. Quartal 2013
- Abschluss des Projekteinsatzes in Tansania
- Projekteinsatz zur Vorerkundung in Akaniem
- Vorerkundung in Kpando
- 2. Quartal 2013
- Abschluss der Projekteinsätze in Agomanya und Kpando
- Vorerkundung in Akaniem
- Gründung RG Kumasi (Ghana)
- 3. Quartal 2013
- Vorerkundung zur Verbesserung der Wasserversorgung in Eritrea
- Geplante Vorerkundung zur „Trinkwasserversorgung“ in Akrofrom (Ghana)
- Spendenlauf bringt Wasser nach Kato (Ghana)
- 4. Quartal 2013
- Ein Müllverbrennungsofen für das St. Martin de Porres Hospital
- Trinkwasserversorgung in Kato – Aus den Krankenhäusern in die Communities
- Maintenance Support Projekt in Krankenhäusern
- 1. Quartal 2012
- Geld für Schulen durch Plastikrecycling von Trinkbeuteln in Ghana
- Vorbereitung zur Umsetzung des Projekts „Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von Krankenhausmüll“
- 2. Quartal 2012
- Realisierung des Projekts „Umweltgerechte Entsorgung von Krankenhausmüll“ im Holy Family Hospital Techiman (Ghana)
- Schulen verdienen Geld mit dem Sammeln von Wasserbeuteln
- Ansätze zur Verbesserung des Ackerbaus in Ghana
- 3. Quartal 2012
- Abschluss des Pilotprojektes in Techiman – Kosten und Leistungen durch ehrenamtlichen Einsatz
- Ghana – eine Reise durch ein faszinierendes Land
- Neuorientierung und Umbenennung des Projektes “Trinkwasserbeutelentsorgung an Schulen“
- Stromversorgung für ein Krankenhaus in Tansania
- 4. Quartal 2012
- Abschluss des Projekteinsatzes in Berekum
- Vorerkundung für das Folgeprojekt in Eikwe
- Vorerkundung zur Trinkwasseraufbereitung in Kato (Ghana)